On January 14, 2017, Vanda and Francis Krutsky gave a very enlightening talk to the Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild entitled "The Art of Wood Carving" in which they showed examples of his restoration work in European Benedictine Monasteries from the Baroque period. In the summers Francis travels back to Czechoslovakia to work on these projects.

Francis is a very skilled wood carver and restorer. He showed us his preliminary drawings and the stages of how you go about restoring the carvings as well as some of the history of the Baroque forms. Francis also brought his carving tools and explained how they are all used. Vanda did the powerpoint presentation and translated for Francis.

We were celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany and members contributed to a most wonderful pot-luck lunch. There were about 16 or 17 of us and everyone greatly enjoyed the event.

After the meal, some of the artists discussed the various art projects which we are all working on. Members were asked to start preparing for our special 15th Anniversary Exhibition to be held in 2018.