Sacred Art and Music at Holy Rosary Cathedral—Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild Member
Patricia Ballard Attends the William Byrd Latin Mass for 5 voices on the Feast of the Assumption
at Holy Rosary Cathedral on August 15, 2019. The Motet Chamber Choir gathers choristers
from across the archdiocese.

View of the magnificent pipe organ and choir immediately after the sung mass.
Sacred Visual Art and Sacred Music Go Hand in Hand to Honour Our Blessed Mother.

The Coronation of the Virgin (Detail--work in progress from the studio of Patricia Ballard, Guild artist) Feast Day, Aug. 22
Many choristers who attended the 2019 Sacred Music Symposium this summer in Aldergrove sang traditional Gregorian chant at this mass. The Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild displayed sacred visual art at the symposium.